In Kuusamo, there are three day care centres for children providing services with a service voucher,Kirsikka, UllaKaisa and the Luontopäiväkoti (nature-focused) Otso. These complement the alternative courses of activity for the families provided by the Early Childhood Education and Care Services in Kuusamo.
In Kuusamo, it is possible to choose a privately run early childhood education and care service before the start of pre-primary education.
Privately run early childhood education and care is acting in accordance with the local curriculum for early childhood education and care of the town of Kuusamo. The municipal and privately run early childhood education and care service work closely together, among other things, in developing the quality assessment.
Arranging activities related to a private service provider within early childhood education and care is guided by the rulebook Kuusamon kaupungin varhaiskasvatuksen palvelusetelin sääntökirja and the town guides, counsels and supervises the legality of arranging activities related to a day care centre for children providing services with a service voucher in accordance with the plan Ohjauksen, neuvonnan ja valvonnan suunnitelma.