Huts, lean-tos and campfire sites are excellent spots for resting all year round.
The Town maintains various lay-bys along popular ski and hiking trails where hikers and skiers can enjoy their packed lunches and barbecue sausages on a stick. There are also many trailside amenities maintained by private parties, hunting clubs, village associations and fishing associations
- Munakka lighted ski track (fitness track in summer), lean-to and campfire site.
- Hut and campfire site in the Activity park
- Please note: unlike other huts, this one is locked, booking in advance.
- logs in the shed; the same advance booking principle applies, charge €6.20.
- you can bring your own firewood, too.
- inquiries and bookings, the Town Service Desk, tel. 040 822 4004
Nearby region
- Lahtela hut and campfire site, Salpa Line
- Kapustavaara hut, Nissinvaara trail
- Nissinjoki campfire site, Nissinvaara trail
- Könkäänniemi hut and campfire site, Kouervaara trail
- Kouervaara hut, Kouervaara trail
- Kuntivaara hut, Kuntivaara snowmobile track
Ruka region
- Pyhävaara hut, Pyhän Jyssäys trail
- Kuontivaara campfire site, Kuontivaara ski trail
- Kivilampi lean-to hut, Kivilampi trail
- Viipusjärvi hut, Alakylä ski trail
- Uuttusuo hut and campfire site, Vuosseli trail
- Vuosseli hut, Rokovankallio, Vuosseli trail
Karhunkierros hiking trail
- Kumpuvaara lean-to and campfire site, Iso-Kumpuvaara
- The Portimajoki lean-to, campfire site, cooking shelter and cottage, Porontima river
- Puurosuo lean-tos and campfire sites, Puurosuo
- Myllykoski campfire site and the Mill, Pieni Karhunkierros Myllykoski