You will not be able to borrow or reserve materials or renew your loans if you have unpaid fees to the amount of 15 euros or more. All accumulated library fees have to be paid at one time.
Library fees
Overdue fine 0,30 €/day/item
Overdue fine for short loans 0,40 €/day/item
Maximum amount of overdue fine/item 6 €
First overdue notice 1,5 €
Second overdue notice 3 €
Fee for uncollected reservation 2 €
Interlibrary loan fee 2 €/volume + fees billed by the sending library
New library card 2 €
No overdue fines are collected for children’s loans or materials for children and the young. We always charge a fee for sending a return request. An invoice for unreturned materials will be sent two months after the due return date. If the invoice is not paid or the materials are not returned, the library will transfer the case to a recovery agency.
Copying and printing
Black-and-white copies/printouts, single* 0.60 €/page
Black-and-white copies/printouts A3, single* 1.20 €/page
Colour copies/printouts A4, single* 1.20 €/page
Colour copies/printouts A3, single* 2.30 €/page
*double-sided double charge
Damaged and unreturned material
If materials are lost or damaged, you will have to replace the materials or pay a reimbursement fee. Films, digital games and software cannot be replaced by a new copy.
- Unreturned material: charged for according to the purchase price
- Damaged volume:
- Purchased in the current or previous year: purchase price of the new volume or a new item of the same title
- Damaged, purchased earlier: 10 €/volume or a new item of the same title
- Collectors’ items with selling value: according to collection value/at the discretion
- Films: purchase price of the new one with borrowing rights
Sales products
Plastic or paper bag 0.25 €
OUTI cloth bag 2.50 €
Hire of a meeting room 17,50 € / hour (VAT 25,5 % included)
Expert services 112,90 €/ hour (VAT 25,5 % included)